Hi everyone......Here I am on Monday afternoon after a lovely lunch with friends and a lovely weekend. I went to the Quilt Convention on Sat and had a lovely day with Sandra and Lesley from Foothills Fabric & Threads. I also met some lovely girls from Tassie, all with blogs, it was so nice to be able to put faces and names to blogs....I think we caused a little traffic jam just chatting away!!! I also bought some gorgeous fabric (as you do!!) this little bundle is from the great girls at The Quilted Crow
and this gorgeous set of fabrics (which I am using in my book...I have the perfect project!!!) I bought from Jane at The Patchwork Apple
and now onto the winners!!! I must say a big thank you to all who commented.....how fantastic to receive over 300 comments!!! I used my random number generator (Liam) to pick 3 winners and they are......lappequri....Peta Jane...and Deborah (2nd March 5.14am)...so let me know your address and I can pop the patterns in the post.
The quilt pattern is available to purchase from any of the stores listed on the left side of my blog....or contact your local store and they will be able to get it in for you!!!
back to the sewing room for me, I need to put the binding on a quilt for Homespun and post it off this week. (ps look out for the next issue of Homespun...I have a project in there...can't wait for it to arrive)
I'll be back on Sat morning with block 3...until then, have a great week and keep safe!!
I am assuming you never got my previous message to you about the Flickr group. I went ahead and created a group for you, here is the address....
If you make a post about it on your blog then the people participating in your block of the month will be able to find it.
Then each month as people finish their blocks there is a central place for everyone to post them and share them with the others.
You will be able to see all the ladies who are creating your darling patterns and we will be able to get ideas and inspiration from each other.
If you would like another example of a group, here is a link to the flickr group for the bunny hill quilt along so you can see what I'm talking about....
It's easy and free for everyone to share, you just have to sign up for a free account =0)
So let people know that it's up and running, I can't wait to see every one's blocks.
Posted by: Jeanette | March 02, 2009 at 05:36 PM
I'll be staking out the newsagency until the new Homespun comes out! ;) Those are lovely fabrics you picked up.
Posted by: Sue | March 02, 2009 at 05:47 PM
HI Gail
It was so lovely to meet you on Saturday, you are right, we did create a bit of a traffic jam but it was fun,
I can't wait to see your project in Homespun,
Happy sewing
Love Leanne
Posted by: Leanne | March 02, 2009 at 07:12 PM
It was lovely to meet you too, we just had to stop traffic to take a picture! Think it made Sarah's blog (If Only I Had Chocolate)
Stay safe tomorrow!
Posted by: Jo in TAS | March 02, 2009 at 10:24 PM
Saw a pic on a blog of some of the Tassie girls with someone who isnt a Tassie girl....!! From the posts on the AQC it seems everyone had a ball....I didn't get there this year....but fun to see the pics from those who were there....! Congrats to the winners of your great pattern....I will be putting in my order with Jane!!
Posted by: Lorraine | March 02, 2009 at 11:17 PM
Oh, Gail....You don't really know me but I am stalking you...waiting for your blocks to come out every month! I just love the BOM quilt so much. Saturday feels like forever...lol Can't wait to see it!
Have a great night :)
Posted by: Leslie | March 03, 2009 at 01:51 PM
Great fabrics and congrats to the winners.
Posted by: Carrie P. | March 04, 2009 at 05:38 AM
Hi Gail,
What a lot of posts you had. How Popular your Blog is. Can hardly wait for the new BOM Block. Quilters Harvest already have my order for the new quilt pattern. Thanx for the opportunity to maybe win one! perhaps next time. LOL
Posted by: Deborah Hallam | March 04, 2009 at 08:38 AM
Hi Gail,
How thrilled I am to be a lucky winner of your pattern give-away !!
The combintaion of stitching and patchwork is just delightful....can't wait to get started ...I will be waiting eagerly for my postman...keep up the wonderful designs and great blog..and yes...the rain is so welcome....! ( even if it is full of dirt..and leaves big marks on my washing !!)
Cheers, Peta-Jane
Posted by: Peta | March 04, 2009 at 11:06 PM
I have added my 'AChristmas Wish blocks to http://flickr.com/groups/achristmaswish/pool/
I am waiting on Saturday for BOM 3 - we have a holiday here in Victoria so guess what I will be doing... And I am happy if it rains all weekend...
Posted by: S Hunting | March 05, 2009 at 07:07 AM
Lovely to see you at AQC. You found some lovely new fabrics ... Quilted Crow is a great shop. Can't wait to get my hands on the new 'Homespun'.
Posted by: Christine | March 07, 2009 at 08:06 AM
Lovely to see you @ AQC. The fabrics will be lovely, Im sure! Awaiting the new Homespun too!
Cheers Jane
Posted by: Jane | March 07, 2009 at 03:03 PM